Tag Archives: Skylar M. Cates

The World’s Most Disorganized Blog Tour

MurderousRequieum_ORIGSo I hear it’s a good idea to do a blog tour, when your novel comes out. This consists of guest posts on other author’s blogs in a fairly organized sequence, promoting your book and generally giving away free copies.

Well, I’ve been trying to do that with Murderous Requiem since it came out, but the “organized” part has completely eluded me.  Some of you may have seen some of the posts go by, but I utterly failed to present them in any kind of orderly manner.

However, for anyone interested in Murderous Requiem, there has been some interesting information in these posts, concerning magick, Marsillio Ficino, herbalism, Renaissance music, and other subjects that come up in the novel.  So even though many of them are no longer giving away free copies, I thought I should post them in a list here, just so they’re easily accessible.

I intend to post one or two more, before I’m done with it.  And the one on Renaissance music (on Shira Anthony‘s blog) still has a free giveaway going on until July 7th!

The Chaotic Murderous Requiem Blog Tour:

April 15th:  Magick and the Occult on Grace Duncan’s Blog

April 27th:  Excerpt on Butterfly-o-Meter Books (L.E. Olteano)

May 8th:  Herbal Teas and Remedies on Kim Fielding’s Blog

May 10th:  Marsilio Ficino on K.Z. Snow’s Blog

May 20th:  Greek Musical Notation on Skylar M. Cates’s Blog

June 30th:  Renaissance Music on Shira Anthony’s Blog (free giveaway until July 7th!)

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Filed under Bloghop, gay, Guest Blogger, Murderous Requiem, Mystery, New Release, occult, Occult/Paranormal, Romance, Writing