About Jamie Fessenden

Jamie Fessenden has been writing romance for over a decade, because he believes everyone deserves to find love. After that anything goes: contemporary, science fiction, historical, paranormal, mystery, or whatever else strikes his fancy.

He set out to be a writer in middle school, but it wasn’t until he met his future husband, Erich, almost twenty years later, that he began writing again in earnest. With Erich alternately inspiring and goading him, Jamie began writing novels and published his first novella in 2010. Ten years later, Jamie and Erich married and purchased a home together in the wilds of southern New Hampshire, where there are no street lights, turkeys and deer wander through their yard, and coyotes serenade them on a nightly basis.

Jamie eventually left his “day job” as a tech support analyst to be a full-time writer.

Not long ago, we had to put our old tom cat, Butterscotch, to sleep, due to cancer.  I blogged about it, but by now the blog post has been lost among all of the other posts on this blog.  That didn’t feel right. I’m linking it here, so he won’t be forgotten:

Farewell To An Old Friend

Just over a year ago, we lost our beloved dog, Kumar, also to cancer. We adopted Kumar the same year we bought the house and married, so losing him felt as if we were losing a piece of ourselves. Like Butterscotch, Kumar was a friendly, happy pet who loved everybody. We have two other pups we love fiercely, but Kumar was one of a kind.

Goodbye, Kumar

13 responses to “About Jamie Fessenden

  1. Hi, Jamie, I saw your post at the DSP authors yahoo group about your novel set in Japan. While I’ve forgotten almost everything from my bachelor’s degree in East Asian Studies, I did live in Japan for six years, albeit back in the 80’s and as an English teacher.
    I’m not sure if I’ll be any help, but if you like, you can shoot me an email at bsnow dot writer at gee mail dot com. Happy writing!

  2. Brent Hartinger

    Hey Jamie:
    Hmmm, I can’t seem to find your contact info. I recently read BILLY’S BONES (liked it a lot), and wanted to gauge your interest in a new project of mine. Could you drop me an email? brenthartinger@gmail.com

  3. Dear Mr. Fessenden,
    I am very humbled by your obvious talents as a writer. Billy’s Bones gave me hope that material such as this could be received well, and you as a writer gave courage to submit my own story to Dreamspinner Press. My story is coincidentally and remarkably very similar to your story, and yet very different in many other ways. Maybe it’s because our stories are so similar was the reason I received a thank you but no thank you email from them.

    My story has very real, very dark themes–things from my own life and what happened to me. I took those real life tragedies and surrounded them with a M/M fictitious love story. If the truth be known, it was my way of covertly getting a lot of it out of my system. I have some things I would like to ask you and some things I would like to know. Could you find it in your heart, and your busy schedule to help me with with my story? I need someone of your caliber to give me an unbiased opinion on where I missed the mark with Dreamspinner Press.

    “Dear William,
    Thank you for your submission to Dreamspinner Press. At the moment, your story does not fit our publication needs.

    We look forward to seeing submissions from you in the future. Please check the website for future Calls for Submissions.”

    I don’t even know how to respond to this or even if I should make an attempt to ask them how it did not fit their “publication needs.” This is my very first novel, and was my very first submission.

    Would you allow me to email you “exactly” what I submitted to Dreamspinner? You have a uncanny sensitivity for this type of material I have found in no other person, and it’s your opinion alone I will bow to. Thank you for whatever you are willing to do.


  4. Found your site and blog posts via a favorite author of mine, Sarah Madison. I’m definitely going to have to try your books now! And here’s hoping I pick one that doesn’t have a sad ending.

    My sincere condolences to you and your husband for the loss of Butterscotch. Just because our family members have four feet and fur doesn’t mean we mourn them less.

    • Nice to meet you! 🙂 I don’t think any of them actually have sad endings. I’m not fond of those. Billy’s Bones is perhaps the saddest, because of Kevin’s past. And thanks for your condolences. Butter was an awesome cat. We’ll always miss him.

  5. Hi Jamie, how are you?
    I am an Australian journalism student and have just come across your post about coming out in the 80’s, I found it very humbling and great. I am currently writing a feature surrounding the comparison of coming out in the 80’s, 90’s and nowadays, and how social norms have changed so much that gay marriage should be legal already in Australia, where it is still illegal.

    I was wondering you wouldn’t mind answering a few questions for me? That would be of a great help. You can email me at imikars@gmail.com or reply back to this, whichever is easiest for you 🙂

    Thanks very much,
    Imogen Kars

  6. Hugh russell

    Loved your Xmas romance as I’ve loved all your books that I’ve read. Heading to Raymond for New Years with my husband. We met at walnut hill in the sweat lodge 8 years ago and were married there 5 years ago. That’s our own romance! Hope to meet you in person to thank you for the pleasure of reading your novels.

  7. Good afternoon, Jamie–
    I am the Manager of Walnut Hill, an Educational, Conference and Retreat Center in Raymond, and it is where my late husband and our great friend Hugh Russell (see previous comment) and his husband got married. He led me to you as a fellow Raymond resident.

    I am a member of Seacoast Gay Men who have weekly meetings in Portsmouth and who invite gay writers to visit the group several times a year to talk about their work. These evenings are always popular with the group, and I was wondering if this is anything you would like to consider doing. I can be contacted at wagf@hotmail.com or 244-1119. I would enjoy talking with you as a fellow cat lover and Raymond resident.

    My very best,

  8. Scott J. Clemons

    Man, I am so sorry to hear about your cat. Condolences, for sure. One of our cats was killed by a dog in our yard just a couple of months ago so I feel your pain.

  9. Diana Turcott

    Hello Jamie,
    I just want to let you know how AMAZING AND HOW I LOVE THE book THE RULES. I fully enjoyed and i have read in 3 times in 2 days. I loved Boris to death and of course Thomas and Hans. The 3 all fit together. I am hoping that you might have a sequel to the book or maybe think of writing one with Alexia and his boyfriend/husband adding a 3 like he was taking to Hans about. I just adored all of the guys and the way the story went i felt them all in my heart and happy for there happy ever after.. I bet everyone wished to be there house cleaner =) I know i would have applied in a heart beat.. I truly enjoy reading this book where i know for sure it will be one i read over and over. I enjoyed the English and Russian mixed it made if more romantic when they used a different language for a pet name that was special for one another. You are awesome and i cant wait to read more of your work. Awesome writing..

    Diana T

  10. Deborah Edwards


    I have a question about your book I believe I should not post in public. Could you send me an email so I can ask away?

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