My Novels

25 responses to “My Novels

  1. Arlene Rosenberg

    Just finished The Christmas Wager, and what a wonderful surprise, great characters and a soulful story. Sometimes books with gay characters seem to follow some pre destined pattern but your book was not like that in the least. Thomas and Andrew were very real and the friendship between them felt genuine and natural. I can’t imagine how difficult things were in those years for men who loved each other.Anyway loved the story.Can’t wait for your next book.

  2. Thanks! I’m glad you liked it. I tend to try my hand at many different genres, so I don’t yet have another Victorian coming out, but hopefully I’ll have another one soon!

  3. Hey, I just stumbled upon your cyberpunk story “The Dogs of Cyberwar”. I’m making a hobby of mine to collect hardback copies of these kind of stories so I thought I’d ask: Is there any way I could get a signed hardcover?

    Oh, and I’ll keep my eyes peeled for your Japanese story. I happen to love Edo Japan and all its culture and folklore. ^_^

  4. I’m glad you liked it! Unfortunately, “The Dogs of Cyberwar” won’t be available in paperback, because it’s so short. However, I’m working on parts two and three (the final part), and my publisher and I have been discussing packaging all three as a novel. In that case, it would be available as a paperback (not hardcover, though).

  5. A paperback trilogy will be enough. ^_^
    Keep me posted!

  6. Just finished The Christmas Wager. It was a very well-written book and the characters felt real and their friendship more so. Congratulations.

  7. Thank you! I’m glad you liked it.

  8. Any time frame on your cyber pnk sequels?

  9. I’ve been working on that one. The original plan was to release part two this spring, but it got temporarily derailed by my YA novels (I now have another one coming out by the end of this year) and the murder mystery I just finished. I’m hoping to submit the rest of the cyberpunk story — all of it — this fall.

    My publisher and I have been talking about doing parts two and three (the final part) at the same time, so readers won’t have to wait to get the end of the story. Releasing it as a serial didn’t work out as well as I’d hoped. Most people understandably found it frustrating. (Note for the future: write the entire thing first, so it can be released on a monthly schedule!)

    I do apologize for keeping you waiting. I’ll post here when the final chapters are done and I hope you’ll find them worth the wait!

  10. Having impatient readers seems like the best problem any writer could have though pressure aside lmao

  11. It’s a “problem” I’m quite happy to have. I have the sequels to Dogs all planned out and I definitely look forward to putting them out for people to read!

  12. Josh Kristoff

    I was just wondering if you had any loose time tables for a sequel to dogs

    • It’s pretty loose, at the moment, but I’m hoping to find the time to finish the sequel (yes, part of it is already written) to Dogs this fall. Basically, I intend to get back to it after submitting book two of a YA fantasy trilogy I’ve been working on. That’s due on Sept. 15th.

      • BunnyGypsy

        Thanks for letting us know. I’ve read the first one and I can’t wait for the next ones! =D

  13. The final book of the fantasy trilogy, along with Murderous Requiem and Billy’s Bones, ended up taking up most of my time these past several months, but Dogs is still in the works and my publisher is nagging me to get it done. So…soon!

  14. Josh

    What do you have coming out soon?

    • Thanks for reminding me to update this list! It’s been falling way behind.

      Since “Billy’s Bones,” which came out in July, I’ve sold a few more. A YA novel called “Gods” (the last of the “Dreams of Fire and Gods” trilogy) came out in October.

      My Christmas story, “The Healing Power of Eggnog” was released today: It’s a novella.

      Next up will be a contemporary novel called “Screw-Ups” about a couple college students sharing a dorm room. That’s going into edits soon, but probably won’t be out until early next year. After that is another novella — a steampunk story about a Victorian watchmaker falling in love with a robot he’s asked to repair. That’s part of an anthology called Gothika, along with stories by Sue Brown, Eli Easton, and Kim Fielding. It will be coming out in May, I believe.

      Right now, I’m trying to figure out how to end my murder mystery, “Murder on the Mountain.” I did work on “A Mote in the Eye” this fall, but it still needs a little more work.

  15. Mal Moses

    My friend and I recently found your books and I’m really looking forward to reading them!! We’re especially excited to get our hands on Billy’s Bones! 🙂 Speaking of I was wondering if you might possibly be able to answer a question for me. We were wondering if you might possibly be able to tell us who the left cover model is? It sounds weird, I’m aware, but it’s not as strange a question as it may seem.

    • Unfortunately, I have no idea. The cover artist would have taken the image from collections of stock photos, so I don’t think he’d know, either. I tried doing an image search on just his face — that sometimes works — but all it brought up was copies of my cover.

      • Mal Moses

        Oh darn, I’ve been searching, but can’t find anything. Oh well, still looking forward to reading it! Thanks! ^^

  16. Ann Olsen

    By That Sin The Angels Fell has to be one of the best dramatic novels I have read. It was quite the nerve wracker, waiting to see if murderous intent would be acted upon or another young life ended needlessly. Wonderful characters to care for and want to get to know better. Excellent and I can see why the work won an award.

  17. Yoni

    Hey Jamie,

    I love many of your books but one I’ve always been keen on is a sequel to the Dogs of Cyberwar, are you still working on that or should I let that beautiful dream go…?

    • Well… I might not let the dream go entirely. I’ve written another story with those characters, but it ends on a cliffhanger. My plan is to write the final part of the trilogy before releasing it. Hopefully soon, but I don’t have a time estimation right now.

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